548 State Road, Westport, MA 02790

Category Archives: News / Blog

Tips for Scrapping in Westport & All Over Southeastern Mass

Tips for Scrapping in Westport & All Over Southeastern Mass

When it comes to collecting scrap metal items, recycling aluminum cans and larger scale scrap metal recycling, every bit that you can collect and every piece of knowledge and experience that you can gain will help to increase your profits. From the amateur scrapper to the save-the-planet recycler, the part-time scrapper to the professional full-tip… Continue Reading

Farm Scrap Metal Recycling in Southeastern Massachusetts

Farm Scrap Metal Recycling in Southeastern Massachusetts

Depending on where you live in the northeast, you will be surrounded by different types of industry. Some scrappers benefit by living near areas where there is a lot of construction or manufacturing plants, while others will benefit from living in urban areas where there is a lot of electronic, appliance or automotive scrap to… Continue Reading

Expand Your Scrap Metal Business: Construction Scrap Removal

Expand Your Scrap Metal Business: Construction Scrap Removal

Scrap metal recycling, or “scrapping” as it has become known throughout the industry, has become a pretty big business for those who were ready to make the leap from weekend collector to full time scrapper. With the payout for recycling scrap iron and salvage continuing to rise, as valuable scrap metal continues to be in… Continue Reading

548 State Road, Westport, MA 02790 · Tel: (774) 319-5420 · Email: info@midcityscrap.com · Visit us on Facebook
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