Collect Scrap Metal in New Bedford and Maximize Your Profits
Starting a scrap metal recycling business means learning how and where to find scrap metal and how to get the best prices for scrap metal in Southeastern Massachusetts. You can get the best deals at Mid City scrap metal recycling center in Westport, but as far as learning how to collect scrap metal in New Bedford and beyond, you will likely need some tips to help get you started. Once you learn the basics about the business, you will be able to carve out a little niche for yourself in the local recycling industry. Just be careful not to step on anyone’s toes though. It is important that you take some time to scope out the business, check out all of the opportunities and make sure that you do it as honest and legitimately as possible.
What You Will Need
To get started in the scrap metal recycling business before you even begin to hunt for and find scrap metal, you will need to get a truck. A basic pick-up truck that can take some punishment will do. A good bed liner can quickly become your best friend if you want to protect your investment. Some scrappers prefer to use a utility trailer instead. Scrap metal items will often be messy, especially if they have been sitting for awhile, and you might not want to mess up your truck. Getting a trailer with a ramp can be a real back-saver, especially for larger items like appliances and big car parts or machinery.
Basic tools will also be required. You can read over some of our other blog posts for more details on the tools that will help you the most. You will at least need some wire cutters, screw drivers, a sledge hammer, a crowbar, a hammer and the magnet, which is known in the industry as the scrapper’s best friend. A magnet can be used to quickly identify ferrous and non-ferrous metals out in the field until you can get them back home for a closer evaluation. A tarp and some tie-downs will also be helpful. You don’t want to get a ticket for illegal or unsafe hauling, as that will eat into your profits considerably.
Where to Find Scrap Metal
Some people simply drive around town and when they see scrap metal lying around near businesses, homes or vacant fields, they knock on doors or pick up items that are obviously trash. The definition of “obviously trash” can vary from person to person, however. So it is important to knock on doors whenever you can to find out if the item is truly trash. Some people store things that mean a lot to them in an unmowed patch of grass. It has happened before and you will likely run across this in your travels.
To avoid uncomfortable, awkward or dangerous situations, your best bet is to establish a customer base of folks who can supply your needs as you collect scrap metal in New Bedford and the Southcoast area. Craigslist and the Penny Saver are two great pieces to start. There is a lot of scrap metal listed in the FREE section that you can contact the owner about and just go and pick up. You can also be pro-active and create your own listing “We pick up old appliances for FREE” or something to that effect. Pretty soon you’ll get more phone calls than you know what to do with.
Making connections with contractors and business owners is another great way to get a lot of metal. The best prices for scrap metal in Southeastern Massachusetts are also based on quality, so if you can pick up scrap before it hits the trash or dump, it will be worth more when you take it to the scrap metal recycling center in Westport. Plumbers, electricians, construction companies, appliance installers, repair companies, computer repair, pool services – the possibilities are endless. Just have your guy give you a call when they get a cache of scrap metal that they need hauled away or meet them at the job site to haul scrap away for them. It can be a real win-win situation for both parties.
Learn How the Business Works
Spend some time learning about what to do after you find scrap metal. Browse through our website here at Mid City scrap metal recycling center in Westport for a full run-down on what is expected when you visit our facility and how you get paid with the best prices for scrap metal in Southeastern Massachusetts. You can collect scrap metal in New Bedford, Fall River or on out to the Cape, just make sure to bring your scrap to Mid City where we can give you the best rates in the business.
You can even give us a call at 774-319-5420 to find out about current payout rates, hours and directions to our location. Our family owned and operated business has been serving scrappers in the Southcoast region since the 1930s. You can count on Mid City Scrap Iron & Salvage to pay you what your scrap metal is worth.
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